When I first started my blog I was not entirely sure what I wanted it to be about. I did not want to make yet another fashion blog, because there are so many of them and because I know absolutely nothing about fashion. I just wear whatever I find comfortable. I spent a long time thinking about what I wanted with this blog and first step was of course, to find a name for it. Something catchy but at the same time something that felt somewhat personal. I hope you get what I mean by that, because I find it difficult to express it.

After a long time I came up with “My Fangirl Universe” and it felt right. It felt like something that was me, but also something that people might actually remember. I decided that I wanted my blog to be about me. I wanted it to be personal. Kind of like a public diary if you will and since I am in quite a few fandoms, I found the name appropriate and I still do today.

I’m just another girl trying to get through life and whatever it throws at me and I thought it would be interesting to share my thoughts and experiences with the world. This blog may change, but who knows? For now I quite enjoy doing this.

It may seem like a weird way to come up with a name, but that is just my way.
How did you come up with the name for your blog? What was the thought process behind it? I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments.


2 thoughts on “My Blog Name

  1. Similar to you, it was hard for me to decide what to name my blog. One day I realized that my life today is very different than my life when I was younger. I struggled with mental health issues, alcoholism, legal issues, and a spiraling life. It wasn’t until I finally received some social support that I realized I was the sailor of my own ship and I decided what would or would not happen to me. That was a very scary admission for me. I had to take control of my life and make changes. Thus Brave Change Today was born.

    Bravechangetoday.com focuses on motivating others to reach their potential in their personal life as well as business. On FridayFunDay I post about my husband and my trek from Wisconsin to California to start a new life.

    I look forward to reading your blog!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh wow o: that sure sounds like some rollercoaster ride. I’m glad to hear that things are looking up and I will definitely check your blog out too!
      Thank you for stopping by! šŸ™‚ I hope my blog lives up to your expectations.


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